A Lensman Website

Fan Art and Animation


  I've been studying animation in earnest for the past couple of years (one of the reasons this site is so infrequently updated) and have done a few Lensman-related projects.  Working on a Lensman movie or miniseries would be a dream job for me, but in the meantime, I offer these humble efforts. 

  I hope that others will be interested in putting their fan art up on this page.  Feel free to email me if you are interested in submitting your work. 

  The following three Flash animations represent the duel scene in Second-Stage Lensmen.  I tried to adapt the novel as exactly as possible, and found that it dragged in places.  Movies have a set of priorities which are very different from a novel's priorities, and any adaptation of the Lensman books to film will have to make changes in order to succeed artistically.  If I ever try to adapt a scene from the series again, I will probably take greater liberties with minor details so that the story can be told effectively.

Prelude to Death

The Duel Begins

To the Death!


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Text copyright (C) 2007 Ethan Fleischer